Founder of the Tower School, french language teacher
- Language Coach
- 19 years of teaching experience - Author of educational programs
- Uses innovative methods for fast and effective learning
- Group curator
- 7 higher education degrees
Elena Ramos


French language teacher, native speaker
- Profound experience as a DELF and DALF examiner A1 to C2 levels
- Trains to pass successfully TCF
- French language exam
- Advanced English and Slavic languages (Polish C1)
Pierre Pych
French language teacher, native speaker
- Keeps students engaged and progressing in learning through using real-life materials and situations.
- Experience in teaching the French language in China
- Advanced English and Spanish languages
Sophie Marquet
French language teacher, native speaker
- Business French, Marketing and Public Relations in teaching French
- Sciences Po diploma (an international research university in Paris, one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in France, regarded as an elite institution)
- 25 + years of teaching experience
Anne François
French language teacher
- Expert in practical grammar and preparation for the DELF, DALF exams.
- Business and diplomatic French in teaching.
- 20 + years of teaching experience
Lubov Ostroumova
French language teacher, native speaker
- FLE teacher (Language Schools in France)
- 10 + years of teaching experience
- Advanced English, Spanish, Portuguese languages
Lisa Moucadeau
French language teacher, native speaker
- Develops educational materials and programs.
- Extensive online teaching experience.
- Creates a positive atmosphere, gives students confidence and helps to break down language barriers.
- Focuses on practice.
- 10+ years of teaching experience
- Advanced English, German (C1), Bulgarian (A2)
Juliette Guinamard
French language teacher
- Associate Professor of Faculty of Foreign Languages and Translation
- Expert in preparation for the DELF, DALF exams.
- 28 years of teaching experience
Victoria Khomenko
French language teacher
- Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Author of 40+ scientific articles
- Certified French language teacher, translator, philologist.
- 25+ years of teaching experience
Irina Kazakova
French language teacher, native speaker
- Teacher of French and business French.
- Expert in preparation for the DELF, DALF exams.
- 20+ years of teaching experience
Cecile Pont

Tower education
4 rue Guynemer, 64700 Hendaye
@2023 all rights reserved
Updated on 06/19/2023
Hello, I'm Elena.

I've been passionate about French since I was 10 years old. Two decades ago, I transitioned into a role as a teacher, linguist, and translator, and my journey in linguistic exploration has never stopped.
Learning French language becomes easy when motivation meets the acceptance of this beautiful language as it is.
In our school, I accompany students, using ICF coaching methods and the latest findings on the human brain research.
Together, we construct a positive attitude towards the language at the neuronal level, facilitating high-speed learning – what I refer to as the French TGV (high-speed train).
My love and experience with over 2500 students resonate in our methods, programs, and our textbook.

Education: Sorbonne, Inalco, Alliance Française in Paris, France
Hello, my name is Pierre.

I enjoy teaching French through the culture, mindset and history of French-speaking countries.
I specialize in phonetics, focus on spoken and classical vocabulary.
During lessons, I use local textbooks and online resources to practice language skills for better understanding of cultural environment.
I know how to give you the confidence and finally to speak French!

Master 1 — Didactique des Langues · Français Langue Étrangère, Français Langue Seconde et Interculturalité Université Paris DescartesParis V – Paris, France
Hello, my name is Sophie.

I have a passion for foreign languages and cultures. I have been teaching French for several years now and I am very excited to share my passion for this extraordinary language with you.
My education and professional experience as a French teacher allows me to understand deeply the real needs of students while learning French and to help in constant progressing.
My goal is to teach French using real-life materials and situations to maintain students constant interest and progress.

Master 2 en Didactique des langues |En cours
Master 1 en Didactique des langues |
Juin 2023|Université du Mans
Licence Sciences du langage|
Mai 2022|Université de Caen
Hello, my name is Anna.

Foreign languages have always been a very important part of my life. I have also studied English (C1 level) and German.
I have been teaching for over 25 years and my main motivation and value is to help students to fulfill their potential as long as to gain their life skills. I believe that Tower School is the perfect place to achieve these goals.

Sciences Po Paris – Economie et Finance 2002
Sorbonne Paris IV – DEA (Master 2) d'Etudes slaves, langue & civilisation russes, mention Très Bien 2021
CNED Alliance française – Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) – DAEFLE modules Didactique, Phonétique, Grammaire
Hello, my name is Lyubov!

I have been teaching French for over 20 years, focusing on different aspects: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, writing, speaking and conversation.
I'm an expert in teaching practical grammar and preparing for the DELF, DALF exams.
I'm engaged and enthusiastic at work.
I will guide you through this exciting linguistic journey with full immersion in the world of French language and culture in a friendly and competent way.
My approach is based on an open dialog and mutual respect.
Each lesson is properly planned to provide the perfect balance of theory and practice, to reinforce language skills, we also use exciting exercises and tasks.
You will be a part of a friendly atmosphere where mistakes are treated as a natural step towards success.

FLE diploma confirmed in France (teacher of French as a Foreign Language)
DALF C1 Diploma by the French Ministry of Education
ENA Diploma (École nationale d'administration)
Master 2 VAVT Diploma (économie international)
Chevalier des Palmes Académiques (Award of the French government, established by Napoleon 1, for contributions to French education and culture)
Hello, my name is Lisa.
I have been teaching French language for over a decade now! I love French and want to share all my knowledge with you. I know the challenges of learning new languages, as I was studying them by myself before specializing in teaching French, so I will help you to cope with them. Now I speak English, Spanish and Portuguese at C1 level. I use local materials and online resources in my lessons for you to practice language skills and to understand the cultural environment better. Our lessons will help you to practice your grammar and vocabulary in a fun, real-life environment.

Education: Maîtrise de Didactique des Langues mention Français Langue Etrangère Université d'Angers, FRANCE Options enseignement de la culture et de la civilisation, politiques linguistiques internationales et français sur objectifs spécifiques. DAEFLE
- Diplôme d'Aptitude à l'Enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère CNED et Alliance Française de Paris Île de France Spécialité enseignement de la littérature et de la civilisation.
Licence en Langues Etrangères Appliquées Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, FRANCE. Aston University, Birmingham, ANGLETERRE. Spécialités anglais et espagnol.
Hello, my name is Juliette.

I'm happy to share my knowledge of French and experience with my students.
My greatest achievement is the success of my students.
I find teaching and communicating in classes very exciting.
No more boring French, only advanced methods and interesting approaches to teaching a foreign language!
Our lessons are delightful and cozy, we explore French traditions, songs, videos, humor and much more.
My main goal is to create a positive atmosphere in class, to give students the confidence to express themselves in French and, above all, to practice for constant improvement of their grammar and vocabulary.
I'm looking forward to see you at our classes, where you will easily speak French.
Bienvenue, chers amis!

Master FLE Professionnalisation en didactique des langues, mention Très Bien | Mémoire et projet professionnel d'ingénierie pédagogique : enquête de terrain et création d'un livret de ressources didactiques et pédagogiques pour assistants (25 p.)
MASTER 1 EN LETTRES MODERNES Université de Lille |
Licence en Lettres Modernes acquise par équivalences, mention Très Bien
Hello, my name is Victoria!

I am an FLE (Language Schools in France) teacher, an expert in grammar and orthography.
In order to meet the individual needs of my students, I'm very adaptable and flexible.
«y encouraging freedom of thought, I create an environment of acceptance at our classes.
I encourage students to study outside of class, because language learning doesn't stop when class ends.
I know how to revel the best in my students!

- Licensed DELF/DALF examiner and teacher.
- Diploma French Language teacher
- Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages
    Hello, my name is Irina!

    I am an expert in phonetics, a teacher of FLE, RLE, and Doctor of Literature.
    Passionate about French cultural heritage, I share with students what I love - Art de vivre.
    In my teaching methodology, I use tools to accomplish student's goals at a pace that is comfortable for the student.
    In my teaching methodology I use modern tools to achieve goals at a comfortable for a student pace. Along that I use the method of language coaching in teaching.

    -PhD/Docteur es lettres
    -Specialized in Melodic styles of colloquial and classical speech styles
    -Specialist in stylistic phonetics
    -Candidate of Philological Sciences, MPGU, Moscow
      Hello, my name is Cecile!

      I love structure in presenting materials, so I give both vocabulary and grammar in a logical and clear manner.
      I am happy to share all my knowledge and experience with my students.
      I consider the success of my students to be my greatest achievement and find the process of learning and communicating in class very exciting.

      -French Institute of Munich - teaching DELF / DALF A1-B2
      -Alliance Française Paris Ile-de-France-Diploma DAEFLE-option FOS
      -University of Uppsala (Sweden) - ERASMUS exchange